Tuesday 7 April 2015

Online presence- How it will help me

After completion of my degree it is very important that I am very much ‘out there’ not only in the physical world but the online world too. Having an online present means that anyone, anywhere in the world can search my name and find me, so as I have created my brand I have followed this through online so people can clearly tell it is me. It is important for these to stay professional so only my work and things that I find inspiring or is relevant will be placed on each media. Having an online presence also means that people can get in touch with me, comment and give feedback on my work and could hopefully lead to a job at the end of it.
The first thing I created was a linked in profile- this is like a virtual CV so potential employers can see my skills, techniques and importation that I know and about me. My linked in profile and page will be forever growing and changing when I have new experiences or learn new valuable skills.
Linked in profile; https://www.linkedin.com/profile/public-profile-settings?trk=prof-edit-editpublic_profile
A more personal way of getting myself and my work out there is through my blog, I have now been blogging for a few years and I really enjoy talking about my work and getting feedback from people all over the world. It gives me the chance to explain how I like to work, things that I may not have enjoyed doing so much and just generally my personal informal portfolio of work. 
Blog address; http://www.fashion-mcleod92.blogspot.co.uk/
Another way that people can find me and find my work online is through my Instagram page, this is where I can just upload pictures of my work or inspiration then using hashtags give a brief description on the image. People can find my images when they are searching for hastags that I have used. This is a great tool to use that is quick and easy and again people all over the world has access to it to view my images and see the type of things that I have produced.
Instagram; https://instagram.com/thread_clouds/
The last method that I have used in creating my own online presence is having a twitter account. Again this is quick and easy way for me to get Information out, for example I will tweet when I have updated my blog or put a new picture on Instagram. By tagging people into these tweets its also opens up the amount of people that would be able to see it, people can also follow me and keep up to date with things that I am getting up to.
Twitter; https://twitter.com/threadclouds 
To me having an online presence is very important, it gives me a chance to get my brand out there as well as my images and work. I have made sure that all of my profiles link up and look the same pushing my brand though all of them. They also have physical links to each of my Medias so that people can explore all of them. My goal with using these Medias is that I can reach out to many people and would hopefully land my dream job because someone likes my style of work. I would also like to build up my own contracts through this that could help me share my work, ideas or even get their own help and comments from. I make sure that I always try to connect to people by asking them to share my tweets, or leave feedback on my blog, I find it a great way to interact with people who you have maybe never met before but they could have good insight or even contacts that they could pass along. Hopefully through using these online medias I can continue to develop and grown
in myself and throughout my work. My goal is to get more feedback on my work so that will just be down to be keep updating and sharing my work. 

So please help me reach my goal, follow me, like my work, leave comments, retweet, and share my pages, connect with me :) im looking forward to hearing my everyone!!! and thank you to everyone who has already been following me.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

self employment research

So I have roughly 47 days and 15 hours until my last hand in for my degree and its already got me thinking every hand about what I want to do next, (apart for make loads of money). This is a really hard decision as what ever I chose to do I plan to do it full time so I need to know that it will be something I love doing and get excited about! Where do I see myself??